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On Becoming the Myths of Future Generations

Jennifer Chapin

"You will become the myths of future generations.

They will look back and speak with great respect and awe of the brave and beautiful souls who had saved planet Earth from sure destruction, who had lifted and transformed it to its original beauty and perfection. Make no mistake, you are planting the seeds and laying the groundwork for the emergence of a new Heaven on Earth." (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane,

We should not minimize the importance of our devoted love to God and this beautiful sentient Being that we call Gaia. The difference that each of us is making is profound and greatly needed at this time.

Remember, the Hierarchy of Heaven can only work and make their presence known on Earth through pure hearts. When we quieten the static of our disbelief and anxiety and start to listen to the voice of Spirit then we know that, over time, we have entered into a holy partnership with them. They can then pour their Light and Love through us as we have given them permission to do so.

There are no messiahs coming to save us as we are the Messiahs we have been waiting for. Jeshua laid the grid of the Ascension time that is now upon us. We chose (and were chosen) to incarnate at this critical time for a very good reason, because WE are the ones that are holding space for the Divine and for the Light, as transmitters from Heaven to Earth. Through our actions and our faith, day by day, prayer by prayer, affirmation by affirmation, we are lifting our frequencies and the frequencies of all who come into contact with us, in our homes, our communities, our state, province and country. We are also lifting the frequencies of the Earth herself.

We have reached the point of no return, and the Divine Plan is accelerating quickly. Look at yourself in the mirror and see the brave Warriors of Light that you have become. Do not minimize your contributions at this holy time, because together, we are re-creating our reality and the Earth.

Do not becomes discouraged, but reach out to your community and to Spirit, who is always there to assist and to guide.

Together, we shall prevail.


6 commentaires

Membre inconnu
01 juin 2024

We are one


Membre inconnu
24 mai 2024

Gratidão, daqui do Brazil.


Membre inconnu
14 mai 2024

que asi sea! abrazos desde Argentina Buenos Aires


Membre inconnu
12 mai 2024

Thank you, Ronna and AA Michael, for this reminder that we are all needed to ground the light. Together we are strong and making a different! Amen.


Membre inconnu
11 mai 2024

Amen. We are the Ones that We have been 'waiting for'. And So It Is. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi.



We are always here to help.

Dear friends and cherished companions, it has been our joy to share AA Michael's Monthly Messages with you over the years. However, maintaining this service comes with costs, and we have been providing these messages free of charge. If you find value in our work, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation to support us. With eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.

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