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A Quantum Leap in Consciousness

Jennifer Chapin

"At this time, humanity as a whole is in the midst of a major quantum leap in consciousness. Which has resulted in an acceleration of fear, uncertainty, anger and hostility as the past is released or refined in order to make way for the birthing of a new era. It is time to seek your passion and to learn to live life to the fullest. We implore you to activate your God Ray and tap into your Sacred Fire. You are being offered a gift beyond measure." (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane,

I find this quote to be infinitely interesting as, on the one hand, we are being told that this is a time of increased global anxiety and yet we are being offered a rare and perfect gift: the gift to self-actualize and to become Ascending Masters of Co-creation.

Upon closer reflection, I see how profound this statement is. Unless we want to be swept up in the disarray happening on our beloved planet at this time we have no recourse but to turn within. This is not a punishment but a way to uncover the Beauty and the Wonder of Eternity. Archangel Michael has told us that, in these trying times, remaining anchored within our Sacred Hearts is the only place where we will be safe.

I like to use the analogy of whales in the ocean deep. Beneath the tumult that lies on the surface, there is silence and great peace. One can hear the thrum and the heartbeat of Nature. In that impeccable cocoon, we are held in Love's embrace always, by our Angels, our Guides, by God. Nothing and no one can disturb our serenity, unless we allow it.

Whales revel in the ocean deep and emit glorious and wonderful songs that resonate throughout the oceans. In one of Archangel Michael's teachings we learn that the Angelic realm admires these great creatures and considers them to be the true "walk-ins". They are from another realm, and they act as transmitters of love and compassion to humanity and the Earth. They also act as receivers of God's Love and Light. They are Cosmic Telepaths and stand as a bridge uniting the realms. In this way and at this time, we emulate them, as terrestrial Beings.

We will not encounter this time on Earth until the next great shift, thousands and thousands of years from now. To accept with gratitude a gift that surpasses all understanding means that we allow the Magnificence and the Wonder of our true Humanity to embrace us. We can only do this as we hold Stillness inside.

Thus fulfilling our Divine Mission.


4 comentários

01 de jul. de 2024

Thank you.


Membro desconhecido
27 de jun. de 2024

Thank you, I use that analogy of being deeper in the waters (which means Spirit) there is a calm and peace. Not to let the storm on the surface disrupt your deeper inner peace.



Membro desconhecido
22 de jun. de 2024

Wonderful reminder and a stellar analogy.


21 de jun. de 2024

Thank you ♥️



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