“Blind faith is not a requirement nor a desired attribute of a master. You are becoming responsible partners, cocreators of your future, the future of the Earth and humankind. Your mettle is being tested to see if you can stand firm within the onslaught of negativity, fear and resistance that is spewing forth from those who are not ready to awaken. No matter how deep the shadows or dense the matter that swirls around you, you must remain a pillar of Light anchored firmly on the Earth, while tapping into the heights, strength and majesty of your Divine Self.” (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane, starquestmastery.com)
We are spiritual adults now, not children, and these days it would be precarious for any of us to stray from our center, and the power of Now. We have reached a supreme point of volatility on the planet, which is why we are so needed, all of us. We have been training for this over many lifetimes and yes, our mettle is being tested like never before. Every crevice within us is being exposed. We cannot hide from ourselves anymore. Any discordant energies that exist within us that may be lurking behind obfuscation and denial are being weeded out from us through the fires of Purification. It is also being weeded out from the world around us.
Imagine yourself as a great Sentinel of Light, for in truth, that is who you are, holding Light for all the people of the Earth and for our magnificent planet as well. Your radiance, which grows daily as we continue to purify, is now reaching the farthest corner of this planet, and out into the sub-universe as well.
The reason why this time is so chaotic is precisely because of the increasing power of the Light bombarding the Earth. As Light bearers, this radiant Creator Light flows through us first, and then onto the Earth. We are the filters, as it were, because if this Creator Light hit the planet and humanity directly, it would be destructive in the extreme.
When Lord Michael says, “You must remain a pillar of Light” I take his words very seriously, because he doesn’t mince them.
I am in contact with Ronna frequently and she explains to me that this “event” that she went through catapulted her into the heart center of her Sacred Triad in the Fifth Dimension. She is now an disciple/initiate of the Ascended Masters Council of Light, holding the celestial door open to all who are rapidly approaching the fifth dimension.
She “sees” people, not their external beings, but who they really are, deep in their souls. The lower dimensions do not affect her now. Likewise, as each of us approaches the same dimensional reality, our entire focus shifts as we, too, see people and world events from a heightened perspective. It is important to maintain an alpha state of awareness, achieved through constant meditation and prayer, so that we can discern the Truth behind world events and those who purport to be Light Workers. As our sensitivity increases, we also begin to see clearly, and as spiritual adults we make the resulting changes and modifications to our own lives.
“Blind faith” is no longer an option if you can truly see.
Thank you! Such a timely message as many of us experienced deep shifts during the Sirian 7/7 portal opening and now, we are being prepped for the energies that will stream through beginning on 8/8’s Lions Gate opening. Advancements are happening more frequently and with deeper impact. Blessings to you Ronna and the entire Starquest team for all that you do to inform and support us.
Thank YOU SO Very Much For This Very Important Message!
With GRATITUDE and MY LOVE!💙⚘🙏⚘💙
Thank YOU Jennifer Chapin Very Much For Sharing This Message!💖