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Divine Light does not manipulate

Jennifer Chapin

"Divine Light does not manipulate, force or compel anyone to do anything against their will. Divine love and intelligence will become the director of the will to create; thereby assuring that all physical manifestation will be in alignment with the greater good for all." (Tibetan Master Djwal Khul via Ronna Vezane, Sacred Scribe,

It is against Universal Law to take away the free will of anyone. Choice is our guide, and when we make choices, we are slowly but surely bound to the outcome. If we feel that a certain course of action is not appropriate for, as Archangel Michael has told us, we need to have flexible foundations, then we can "course correct", and make different choices.

Our lives reflect the outcome of all the choices we have made, for we are powerful Beings of co-creation.

The most predominant ray on the planet now is the 7th ray of Divine Transmutation, Purification, Freedom, Compassion and Mercy, the Violet Flame. Ascended master Saint Germain and Lady Portia, the Goddess of Justice, are the Chohans of this ray and they work tirelessly for our inner purification and redemption. They are overlighted by Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst.

The next most important ray is the 1st Ray of Divine Will, Power, Truth, Justice, and Right Action. Archangel Michael and Lady Faith represent this ray. Lord Michael is the Guardian Protector of Humanity and guides, directs and protects all who call on him He ensures that the Divine Plan for the Earth, Humanity and all of Creation, comes into Being, for the Highest Good of all. We are on this trajectory now, as the Old Earth and ways of being, is fading away quickly, The Age of Aquarius is now upon us.

It must be known that we are one planet in a sub universe of great change. All of the planets in this sub universe are shifting positions and moving into closer alignment with the Great Central Sun. The great solar storms that we are now experiencing will continue to intensify as all that is not in alignment with the Divine Plan will either vacate the planet, and come back when they are ready, or be taken to a new planet to complete their studies in 3D and lower 4D. There are only old and advanced souls being born on the planet now and we, the Transducers of the Light, are here as representatives of the Higher Realms, to hold space for them, for the Holy Earth, and for all of creation.

The times that we are in, along with the opportunities to rise to become the Magnificent Beings that we were originally created to be, are unprecedented.

Earth is definitely the "place to be" now, and all eyes are upon us. We have never had as much help and guidance as we have now.



May 20, 2024

thank you :)


Unknown member
May 19, 2024

I'm happy to know that these solar energies will intensify and bring more light to our beautiful Gaia. We are so ready for great change! Bring on the Ascension


May 19, 2024

I love your wonderful teachings thank you. I get very excited when I read them!


Unknown member
May 19, 2024

Дорогие Мастера, большое спасибо за Свет, мудрые наставления и надежду!!! 💛🌹💫


May 19, 2024

Great article, thank you!💜



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