“Various great Beings of Light have carried the burden of Earth and humanity for millions of years; however, it is now time for humanity to step to the fore and assume their bounden duty. You must begin to access, use and share the Divine Light with which you have been endowed. There must always be an energy exchange. It is a Universal Law. The time has come for humanity to evolve into spiritual adulthood and to assume responsible positions as God-Conscious Beings of Light. We have encouraged our messengers to assist you to remove the barriers and open the pathways of communication with ease and grace.
We will strengthen your resolve; we will inspire you and set your hearts ablaze with the Sacred Fire of Creation as you traverse the path of illumination. Know that Love, Light and untold blessings are eternally radiated to each of you from the hearts of our Father/Mother God. I AM Archangel Michael.” (via Ronna, starquestmastery.com)
It is time for our voices to be heard. We can’t fall back on the error of thinking “I’m not quite ready yet”, especially when we are in the crucible of immense change.
We also cannot rely on the guidance of those who are in positions of authority in our society because they are going through their own ascension journey. Truly, the most infallible guidance we have now is our Divine Power within.
The Angels became our bridge to God when we fell in consciousness and could no longer communicate with God/Goddess directly. That time is now over. We are Earth Angels, and we stand now with our Brothers and Sisters beyond the veil, which is no veil any longer, and carry out our Divine Mission to the very best of our ability.
Intuition, illumined thought, telepathy with those great Beings of Light who have long supported us, is now becoming the norm for many. It is our natural Divine Birthright. We must embrace this heritage and turn away from the din to lovingly co-create a new world of Hope.
For the highest good of all.
(image courtesy of crystalwind.ca)
There have been many times when I’ve gone into Nature for hours and walk and explore and touch and thank the trees and the Sun and the Sky and just soak it all in. I would think about our Ancestors and how they would have lived. And as I would observe the beauty around me I would begin to ask questions about the nature of Creation. I would begin to wonder very specific questions and then I’d I would think “if I were to guess, I would say this is how or who or why or when”.
And then a day later I would listen to YouTube videos from Ronna & Archangel Michael, or something from the magic presence or…
I have been held back by a lack of trust in myself. I hear - or suddenly know - the answers to my questions. But, for decades now, think it is my imagination. Time for me to move on.
Yes, yes, yes!! I love this article. Indeed...it is "TIME", people, to BE who we truly ARE. I give huge thanks to the Beings who have been "carrying" us for so, so long. 🙏😊💖