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Beloved masters, remember this term: MEMBRANES OF LIGHT, for it is important that this concept is clearly defined within your mind. There were membranes of Light placed across your memory when you began your journey into the illusionary realities of the Third / Fourth Dimensions. There were membranes of Light placed at the entryway to your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart. There was or is a membrane of Light surrounding your Third Eye / your inner sight. When your Higher Self determines it is time for your Third Eye to open, it will be as if you received a surge of sacred energy upon your brow. These specialized frequencies open the Memory Seed Atom Crystals of Light within the Pineal Gland, which initiates the abilities of extrasensory perception called clairvoyance. Most of you have heard of the ‘Ring-Pass-Not,’ a thin Membrane of Light Radiation, which encircled the planet for thousands of years. It was a restrictive quarantine of sorts, which has been gradually dissolved from the Earth’s atmosphere, thereby allowing the cosmic information flood gates to be flung open so that the next level of Cosmic Wisdom could pour forth to a select group of World Servers and Cosmic Messengers. For many lifetimes, every one of these brave Souls has been in an intense preparatory stage in the higher realms. This intense training period was necessary in order to bring forth the advanced teachings in an accurate, orderly, and timely method. It is Cosmic Law that you must integrate and experience each level of new truth in order to move to the next, more advanced level. It is a unique and specialized path of initiation. The Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light do not openly teach in public. They work entirely through their disciples and initiates, mostly by conveying the inspired thought forms of higher wisdom teachings. Initiates work on the mental levels, also mostly behind the scenes. However, a select group is actively teaching out in the world, for inspiring others to become World Servers is their most important task. There is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light. However, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize the higher frequency God Light in order to benefit and make use of it. Those of you who have steadfastly followed the Path that was designed for you are quickly coming to a state of completion for the particular stage of en-Lighten-ment you have been experiencing for the past ten years. When you attain true Self-mastery, your thoughts and words will become harmless, for criticism and negativity cannot dwell in the Light of love and truth. Service is an intrinsic impulse of the Soul-Self, just as desire is the major impulse of the ego. Your transition from the impulses or nudgings of the emotional, ego-desire body to the inspirational thoughts of the Soul and the Higher Self have mostly been accomplished. Your focus has moved toward group consciousness and how to serve humanity. You are also well on your way in the transition from I, me , my self-centered interests to a higher frequency of we / our state of unity consciousness. The intuitive thoughts you receive, and the guidance from your guides, angelic helpers, and Higher Self, become stronger as you integrate more pure God Light. Your reality expands from a small-world focus of a personal state of consciousness to an expanded consciousness, which includes the world, the solar system and beyond. No longer will you respond to painful events in life as fated or punishment, for you realize they are challenges and opportunities for growth.

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