Several years ago, when I was in my mid twenties, the Divine crashed into my reality in a “Paul on the road to Damascus” kind of experience. Up until that time, I spared no thought about God, or Angels and Archangels. But what I began to experience in that collision was the presence of Yeshua in a profound way.
I began to walk with him and talk with him, and on many occasions in my dreams and meditations I would cross through time to be with him as he walked upon the Earth, embedded in a circle of others who deeply loved him.
In one of those dreams, I found myself with a group of women, wailing and in terrible grief. They were clustered around his body after he had been taken from the cross. I tried to rub life back into his hands. He had been crying.
A few years later I wrote a novel about Mary Magdalene that drew inspiration from the dreams and meditations that I experienced at that time. In that novel, I have her coming back “at the end of time.”
Which is now.
Mary Magdalene is mentioned more than any other woman in the Bible. In the Gnostic literature, she was known as the “Apostle of the Apostles”, one who Yeshua loved more than the others, one who had a deep understanding of his teachings, and one who ultimately gave courage and support to the other apostles when Yeshua left them. (please reference the Gospel of Mary in the Nag Hammadi literature)
Many today, including our beloved Ronna, are feeling the impact of Mary Magdalene in their lives. Mary Magdalene is part of the Ascended Masters Cosmic Council of Light that works with Ronna now. She is a representative of the Divine Feminine, which has now infiltrated the Earth to stand alongside the Divine Masculine in perfect balance and harmony, helping to bring all of us back to that state of balance within ourselves. To provide us with the courage to keep going, and to speak our Truth.
We have seen what the unchecked masculine, without the balance of the feminine, has done to our world: infamy, cruelty, greed, destruction and hatred. Let me be clear that these “unchecked” masculine tendencies occur in all of us as we are a composite of the masculine and the feminine. In the beginning, we were androgynous, like the Angels. Now is the time to embrace the courage we need to honor and bring forward the Divine Feminine within ourselves, and within the world.
We are at the crucible of profound and enduring change. Do we have the courage to love, to show compassion, kindness and mercy? Do we have the intention to intuitively give birth to a better, more inclusive Earth, one that embraces all? Do we have the courage to step out of our comfort zones to be heard? Do we have the temerity to encourage others to look within themselves so they can know that the "Kingdom of God" lies within, which was Yeshua's principal message?
In a recent conversation with Ronna, we talked about the return of the Great Mother. She directed my attention to a section of her book, Revealed Cosmic Truths, (Chapter 28, "The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess, page 175) where Archangel Michael talks about the many hundreds of years whereby Mother God called forth the “Ladies of the Light” or the “Order of the Goddess” from the far reaches of the universe to pour Love and Light into the the Cosmic Womb that would lead to the ultimate creation of a new Golden Galaxy. As this was their focus, although they were aware of us, the mandate to bring forward the new wisdom teachings fell to the masculine emissaries of Light, under the direction of Father/Mother God.
However, that has now changed.
As Archangel Michael states, “...it is a time for reunification at all levels, from the highest to the lowest; therefore, the attributes, aspects and virtues of the Mother Creator will be the dominant force in the Universe until balance is attained once more".(starquestmastery.com).
These attributes, aspects and virtues are perfectly encapsulated in Lady Mary Magdalene, a Lady of the Light, and one who is of the highest Order of the Goddess.
Oops, now I see who ..
Mau I ask , who wrote this article?