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We are becoming living examples of the Light

Jennifer Chapin

"In the ancient past, there have always been ashrams or "occult mystery schools" for the Starseed Souls to train and become Self-Masters. However, in this final era of Ascension from the Third / Fourth-Dimensional Realms into the Fifth Dimension, the Starseeds must lead the way by “Becoming living examples" and functioning among the masses as the Vanguard - Wayshowers of Divine Light as members of the Legions of Archangel Michael and the Order of Lord Melchizedek." (Ascended Masters, Cosmic Council of Light and Ronna Vezane,

I believe that as we all continue to practice the teachings of the Masters, which extends well beyond the reading of their words, we undergo cellular change along with an elevation of our thought forms, and the ability to See.

I am not the person I was, even last week. The cycles of growth that we are all experiencing now, the incoming Cosmic Waves, the intensity of the Earth's vibrations, the piercing of the veils between worlds means that, unless we abdicate our mission, we are being raised up as "Glorified Mortals", as Beloved Archangel Michael has stated. We are becoming a "Living Meditation".

I can feel in every aspect of my Being that I am transforming quickly, and so are you.

We have become the Teachings, we have become the Light, we breathe in and out as Ascending Masters becoming, and our Radiance grows moment by moment. This is not an academic statement, but one of great Truth. This is the Golden Promise of these times, and we must never doubt ourselves, or those who guide us, from all worlds.

We are the Messiahs we have been waiting for, from all cultures and ways of Being.





We are always here to help.

Dear friends and cherished companions, it has been our joy to share AA Michael's Monthly Messages with you over the years. However, maintaining this service comes with costs, and we have been providing these messages free of charge. If you find value in our work, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation to support us. With eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.

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