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You Are Courageous Souls

"Beloved masters, first of all, allow us to ease your minds. The ascension process is not new to you, you have accomplished it many times before. You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as StarSeed, Wayshowers, for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing. You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.

For each new adventure into physical consciousness, you are given new rules, a new mission and a great variety of challenges to overcome. We wish you to understand that those of you who are stepping to the fore as qualified World Servers have had vast experience throughout this Universe and its many Sub-Universes. From the time this Universe began to expand, select StarSeed were transplanted from other time zones and Sub-Universes to oversee and assist in unique programs designed specifically for humanity and other life forms. The primary Divine Mission of these special groups of StarSeed is to lead the way for those ready to evolve into the next level of expanded consciousness as an infinite number of cycles and Divine programs come to a completion” (Archangel Michael via Ronna)


When we started to fragment ourselves in order experience the density of the Earth plane, a veil of forgetting was placed over our memories so that we could not remember our former grandeur and the splendor of our former home.  That would have been too painful.

But as we turn and face our shadow side in this glorious moment of our Ascension, the veils start to drop. We must remember that the intense trials and challenges we are facing in this lifetime are ones that we agreed to so that we could cleanse our shadow side once and for all.  As rarified Light pours into the Earth and into all of creation, we start to make a connection with the next facet of our Higher Self, a magnificent Being who is guiding us along the return journey home.  We must continue to push through our null zone to enter the rarified energies of the 5th dimension.

However, we must also remember that we are not leaving the Earth until our mission is accomplished as we are needed as sentinels and transformers for the Light. This Ascension process cannot be accomplished without us and what we are going through now has never been done before in the history of this planet. Remember, we agreed to be the representatives of the Spiritual Hierarchy, we agreed to come to Earth now at this definitive moment in time.  We have done this before.  This clarion call is not new to us.

There is no “rapture”. There are no light ships coming to save us.  We are the ones that we have been waiting for. We are the ones awakening from our cosmic slumber to assume our rightful positions at this critical time.  We are awakening to our great responsibility as spiritual adults and Masters returning.  We are the Ascended Masters of the future, and we come from a rich and holy lineage, each of us.

As Archangel Michael’s message alludes to, those who are the Wayshowers have been in training for a long time.  Never underestimate how courageous you are, or how powerful, as we shine our Light into the swirling frenzy of the lower dimensions.


4 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
13 ene

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful message.

Me gusta

Thank you Jennifer for reminding me why I am here today. Blessings and love. Catalina

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
08 ene

Thank you for all you do.It gives me encouragement and a sense of belonging to be reassured with messages like this that I am in the right place, at the right time,doing the right thing. But mostly that I have other peoplke doing the same thing. THANK YOU

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
08 ene

Wonderful!! Thank Dear Ronna💕💕💕

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We are always here to help.

Dear friends and cherished companions, it has been our joy to share AA Michael's Monthly Messages with you over the years. However, maintaining this service comes with costs, and we have been providing these messages free of charge. If you find value in our work, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation to support us. With eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.

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