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Beloved masters, a new day is dawning on your Earth, an era that has been prophesied and foretold for many ages past. The holographic pictures and frequency patterns that have formed your personal reality are shifting. That is why you feel so vulnerable, and you no longer have an identity that you can relate to or familiar parameters to guide you. Briefly, we will review the “Rite of Passage” that you and each human Soul must experience in order to reclaim your Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad identity. You must go through the process of revising or releasing all of your lower frequency personal conceptions of what you thought were important in your Third-/lower Fourth-dimensional reality: Your personal relationships; your possessions; your perception of what and who you were as you move into harmony and attunement with your Higher Self as you gradually access more refined energy, higher frequencies, new information and greater wisdom. You have gradually become more comfortable with your Fourth-Dimensional reality as you worked through all the negative emotional energies that came bubbling up from within your subconscious mind, sweeping out and clearing outmoded perceptions. The pulsating, transforming Light frequencies have reverberated throughout the depths of your cellular structure. They began to loosen all the impacted energies that have accumulated down through the Ages, stirring them up, moving them out to be released and replaced with higher frequency Memory Seed Atoms. As you began to resonate to a quickened vibration, more of the refined vibrational patterns of your Soul-Self and your OverSoul/Higher Self gradually began to flow into and throughout your physical vessel.

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