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It is time for your voice to be heard

Jennifer Chapin

We would love you to join us on April 6th for our workshop if you feel called to tap into your own voice through writing. More information here:

"It is time for each of you to step to the fore, to take a stand and be heard. Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart filled with compassion and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear or judgment. That is the way you will validate your truth and gain your wisdom, beloved ones. That is the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance. That is the way of the Master, the way of Living Truth, the way back home." (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane,

I have struggled with this statement for such a long time, coming as I do from a background in political and social activism. I have always been deeply concerned about issues related to women, the environment, refugees, and the vulnerable, those in society that are ignored or left by the wayside. And I have been vociferous in my articulation of these deep concerns, for years.

Now, my activism is of a different tenor. My concerns are still there but they are tempered by Spirit and by seeing everything from a much higher perspective, knowing that there is a perfect Divine Plan behind everything that is happening on the planet right now. There is a perfect Divine Plan that allows me, and you, to live out our destinies and to speak our Truth.

Once we reach the solitude of soul, and that can be in a sacred space within our homes, or a church, a grove of cedars or sitting transfixed by the sea, we come to understand that everything is perfect, just the way it is. We trust the voice of the Spirit, we trust our Angelic guides, and all those other Beings of Light that are with us. We develop the trust and faith to deeply believe that all is unfolding perfectly in the Higher Realms.

When we bring our voices to the fore as I do frequently, it is (as much as possible) a voice that sees through eyes filtered by Love, Goodness and Compassion. And without judgement.

(JChapin photo: St Julien-le-Pauvre, Paris)




We are always here to help.

Dear friends and cherished companions, it has been our joy to share AA Michael's Monthly Messages with you over the years. However, maintaining this service comes with costs, and we have been providing these messages free of charge. If you find value in our work, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation to support us. With eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.

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