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<Spiritual Philosophy For World Servers>


<> We offer you a variety of higher truths to assist you in the evolutionary process that is taking place during these unprecedented times. Some have been given previously, but they are important enough to repeat. We suggest that you focus on one or two concepts each day so that you may ingrain them firmly in your consciousness until they become a part of your new spiritual philosophy for Self-mastery.

<> We tell you, beloveds, begin where you are at this moment. Begin to live, breathe and transmit to those close around your Soul-power, love of truth, as well as you well-earned gifts of mastery. Truth and love begets truth and love until it builds and surrounds you, whereby in time, you will become radiant Beings of Light whose brilliance and God-power extends farther and farther out into the world of form.

<> You are learning to live in an ascended state of consciousness as you unite with the multiple facets

of your God Self. You are moving out of a state of becoming into a STATE OF BEING. As you develop clear-seeing and pure intention, the fog of illusion will no longer affect you.

<> You are beginning to mold and create your greatest visions and desires from the storehouse of Divine unmanifested potential. You are slowly learning to live in harmony with the many Facets of your Higher Self. You are gradually evolving into a unified, radiant SPIRITUAL BEING IN HUMAN FORM.

<> Self-mastery is a never-ending process as you learn to integrate more and more of the virtues, qualities and attributes of our Father/Mother God. It takes constant vigilance and practice, but the rewards are immeasurable.

<> It is time for you to remember why you are on Earth. Remember that you are an extension or a Facet of the Creator. Embrace the excitement of your new reality as you create greater and greater harmony within your personal world.

<> Become a practical mystic, enjoying all the beauty and bounty the Earth plane has to offer, while also enjoying the beauty, wonder and magic of the higher realms.

<> Light, sound and color are the modalities of healing, expanding your consciousness and your personal reality. A student/initiate must learn to use some of the major tools of Self-mastery, for they are a part of our Divinity and birthright.

<> Toning, and learning to use Sacred tones and sounds, will help you in rectifying many of the symptoms of distress or illness that you are experiencing, for it assists you to gradually return your etheric, emotional and mental bodies back into a harmonious STATE OF BEING.

<> Each of you has the ability to contribute something personal and unique to the Divine Blueprint, which has been designed for the future of humanity and the Earth.

<> You have been given an extraordinary gift by our Father/Mother God; the Divine privilege of participating in the creation of your own destiny.

<> Each of you has the potential of becoming a glorified mortal. You are becoming Spirit-infused mortals which assures your ever-expanding, immortal status.

<> You are multifaceted and you have consciousness on many more levels than you can comprehend at this time. You are an immortal Soul with a mortal mind and body. You are in a process of Soul-expansion and higher-frequency Light infusion.

<> There is cosmic time that is fluid and malleable, and there is mortal time that is linear, structured and event-oriented. You are learning to live as spiritual mortals who can access the fluidity and magnificence of the cosmos.

<> In many star systems, there are schools of cosmic philosophy where you have studied, of which you will be able to tap into once again as you gain the ability to traverse the higher realms of expression.

<> There are Destiny Guardians to guide you and show you the way. Ask for their assistance and they will be your devoted servants. These Beings of Light represent many differing viewpoints and have had many diverse personal experiences, just as mortals have.

<> True spirituality does not demand particular rituals or rigid beliefs, it is a mode of living your highest truth with wholehearted devotion. You are to seek a blending of your highest intellectual, emotional and spiritual reality.

<> You are a Spark of the Divine, and you should honor and place high value upon yourself and others. You are dishonoring the Creator when you do not. You should always seek liberty and truth for yourself and for others as well.

<> Meditate daily and nightly. Better yet, become a living meditation so that every waking moment is focused on the highest purpose for all. Then bring your love and power together to create the meridians of Light and focused energy, so that your Christed-Essence is circulating throughout your physical vessel. And finally, envision this magic Elixir of Life radiating forth from your Solar Power center spiraling upwards into the heavens, and then, downward to the center of your Mother Earth.

<> You are to assume the lofty outlook of the masters: calmly, gently, lovingly standing by, observing, helping when possible, but allowing, not judging, for you know all that is happening is for a reason and a higher purpose.

<> How will you know when you have moved into a State of Grace? You will know when others reflect the beauty of your Soul back to you. You will know when your abundance begins to flow. You will know when your heart expands with love for all Creation and when your Soul sings. You will know when you cannot keep quiet, and you are compelled to share your joyous experiences with anyone who is willing to listen. And, you will know when it is time for you to go inward into your Soul’s Sanctuary and listen.

<> Spread your loving Light and presence as far and wide as possible, dear ones. Counsel those who are led to you. By your actions you will be known, and those who have need of your Light and wisdom will be drawn to you.




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